Mmmaay 课程简要 课程名称MATH-463 Mathematical modelling of behavior 所在学校EPFL 课程情况 (作业/习题/授课速度)Relatively easy (12 weekly exercises and labs + group project *1) WorkloadGraded project + Final exam 最终成绩 (选填)信息登录后可见 其他你想对选这门课同学说的 Review This is less of a mathematics course. No need to understand the proof etc. Just memorizing will get you through it. Heavily focused on discrete choice model. Basically from the start to end. I would call it a discrete choice model course haha. Instructor Michel Bierlaire is quite nice. Very patient and happy to answer questions. He has a strong French accent but can be easily understood once you are familiar with French accent;D I am from an economics major. One of the project I follow (but do nothing at all) heavily relies on discrete choice. The classical textbook Discrete c登录社区 查看完整内容
Mmmaay 今天刚考完这门考试的final,属于是奋笔疾书的状态哈哈哈哈。 一共四大大题,每道大题一个主题。 巧克力哈哈哈 交通 从EPFL毕业之后的是留在瑞士还是emmigrate 新冠疫苗登录社区 查看完整内容